Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekend Recap

Is it seriously mid-April already? Good grief! I better get going on my 14 in 2014 list...I've been slacking. But with all good things...all good things. Here's how my weekend went...

On Friday, we met up with our friends Josh and Katy, and their daughters Myah and Ani at one of our favorite local eateries... the 5-8 Club! It's always a little crazy to have a relaxing dinner and conversation with three little kiddos in the mix, but we did pretty well. It was really nice to catch up - they are friends from church, but when they recently moved to Eagan, the commute to Eden Prairie for church didn't work for them. So it's been a bit since we've hung out. It's fun to watch the girls interact - they are very sweet with each other, and you can tell they are fond of one another. We're trying to be intentional about hanging out with them more often - especially when we won't see them at church anymore!

After we came home from dinner, it was time for a quick bath for Linnea and then off to bed. Both Jeromy and I crashed, after a long week of work. I enjoyed catching up on some Ellen from the week.

On Saturday, we enjoyed a slow, lazy morning. Snuggles in bed, a yummy breakfast, and a little bit of playtime. Mid morning, we headed to Menards to take a look at some storage bins. Living in South Minneapolis, we are "blessed" with a one car garage. And with two cars, a lawnmower, a snowblower, a tiller, and approximately 74 large outside toys for Linnea, it's not cutting it anymore. The plan is to get a larger storage bin to go outside of the garage. Our hope is that it'll be big enough to hold a couple of the larger items, and free up some space in the garage.

After Menards, we dropped Linnea off at my parents' house, and headed over to Feed My Starving Children. As I said in my last post, FMSC is one of my favorite charities! I always LOVE volunteering there. It was especially fun, because we were there with our faith group from church. Our faith group is a small group of 4 other couples about our age from our church. Most of the group has been together for almost 7 years! We've been through a lot together, and they are some of our dearest friends now. (Josh and Katy, referenced earlier, were a part of our's hard to not have them be a part of it anymore!). I was happy because our friends, Nicole and Scott have decided to join our group. I met Nicole through my New Mamas class, even though we had both been members at Immanuel for several years before that! Nicole and Scott fit right in, and I'm so happy to add them to the mix. We had a great time conversing and packing meals. FMSC has a new facility since the last time we've been there, and it. is. AWESOME. The whole group was able to pack almost 100 boxes of meals. The food we made is enough to feed 58 kids for an entire year. Isn't that amazing??! I LOVE FMSC!!

Me, Jackie, and Alisson, looking very fetching in our hairnets...

After FMSC, Jeromy and I enjoyed the freedom to run some errands just the two of us (file this under "signs you know you are old, boring parents who don't get out much") :-) Since Linnea was still napping at my parents', we figured we'd take advantage of the time. We had a quick lunch at Which Which (have you eaten there? Yum!), and then stopped at Walmart (which I HATE, but that's beside the point), and Costco. I'm excited, because for the first time, we got Linnea an Easter basket. It was REALLY fun picking out little toys for her, and I can't WAIT to see how excited she is next week to learn that the Easter Bunny stopped by.

After that, we picked Linnea up and headed home. Linnea practically begged to walk to the park, and I really can't turn that down, so the two of us headed over to one of our local parks (me on foot, her on her tricycle). She enjoyed climbing around and going down the slides for a bit, before heading home for dinner. I love how much this girl loves to play!

After dinner, bedtime for Linnea, and a nice hot bath for mama, Jeromy and I settled in for a movie and popcorn date - The Avengers, which he's seen before, but I had not. Even though I don't generally like movies that have any sort of violence, suspense, etc., I do enjoy me a good super hero flick. It was pretty good.

Sunday morning we headed over to Somerset, WI to spend the day with Jeromy's family. It's so nice to have them close, since they lived in IA before they moved here. Since we spend Easter with my family, we decided to go over there to have an early Easter celebration of sorts. Per usual, it was very casual. On my list of "must do's" this year was to dye Easter eggs - we haven't done it yet with Linnea. My mother-in-law went a little nutzo and hardboiled 60 eggs for us to dye!! Linnea lasted about 5 minutes, but we all had fun. :-)

Linnea and my brother-in-law C.J, ready to dye eggs!

Checking out the eggs...

Eggs in the dye bath

Happy to be dying eggs

Finished products...pretty!

We had lunch, and then Linnea and I both took naps. :-) Yay, lazy Sundays! After nap, and a snack for Linnea, we headed back home for dinner. I took a bath, and watched Long Island Medium (anyone else LOVE that show?!).

Ready to face another week! I hope you all had a great weekend as well!


  1. Looks at you with your consistent weekend recaps with PICTURES (unlike you slacker friend over here) :)

  2. What a fun weekend! Once it's nice out, we should get together with the kids and let them play!
