Tuesday, September 2, 2014

An Interview with a Three-Year-Old

I'm super behind on my posts...especially in regards to my new three-year-old! I'm working on a few more posts...and update...a recap on her party, etc., but thought I'd start here. I did a little interview with Linnea. I hope to ask these same questions each year around her birthday to see how things change.

The perfectionist in me got a little frustrated that some of her answers weren't quite what I would think is the "true" answer, but I went with what she said, and I think overall it's a very accurate peek at our sweet little girl. Here we go...

1. How old are you? Three!! (pronounced "fweeee!")
2. What is your favorite color? Pink! No! Purple! (I think purple is the more accurate answer.)
3. What is your favorite toy? My Thomas Train. (Then I got the cutest little expansion on that answer...) Well, I don't have a Thomas Train. Just a biiig Percy train and a red one I can use too. (Totally accurate. She doesn't actually have a Thomas train. The ones she has are Percy and whatever train is red.)
4. What is your favorite food? Grilled Cheese and Mac and Cheese (Girlfriend loves her cheese...)
5. What is your favorite snack/treat? I like chocolate! (That's my girl) And ummm...graham crackers and Cheerios.
6. What is your favorite TV show? Super Why
7. What is your favorite movie? Frozen!
8. What is your favorite animal? (Lots of thinking on this one...) Bullseye!! (The name of the pony she rode at the Renaissance Festival this past weekend.) 
9. Who is your favorite friend to play with? Raia (A neighbor friend) 
10. What's your favorite thing to do outside? Play sidewalk chalk
11. What is your favorite thing to drink? Milk and water (True story. She doesn't drink anything other than white milk and water. She really doesn't care for juice.)
12. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Teddy. And blankie. And Murphy.
13. What is your favorite song? Let it Go. Jesus Loves Me.
14. What makes you happy? Wearing my Anna dress. (This makes me laugh. She got an Anna dress - from Frozen - for her birthday a couple weeks ago and it's been a daily thing for her to request, plead, beg...to wear it.)
15. What makes you sad? (Got very serious) "For you to saying no to wearing my Anna dress"
16. What is one thing you love about mama? Playing with my Anna dress (I think she misunderstood it to me one thing she loves to do with me.) Kissing you!! (I'll take that!!)
17. What is one thing you love about daddy? Eating crackers. Doing puzzles. (Again, I think perhaps she misunderstood the question. This also made me smile because it's what they were doing that afternoon. It tells me she loves doing everything she does with her daddy!) 
18. What do you want to be when you grow up? Anna! And a "fighterfighter" (firefighter). And play the bells (at church). 

Linnea is so much fun, and there's no telling what will come out of her mouth next! It was so fun to do this interview, and I look forward to hearing what she says in coming years (although at the same time I don't want the time to go too fast!).


  1. I love this!!! Lilli doesn't drink anything but milk or water either. It's VERY rare she'll drink any sort of juice or sugared beverage.

  2. Aubrey and Linnea are so similar! It's crazy! We need to get together and have the girls play sometime soon!
